Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Discovery Of Alfred Wegener - 1075 Words

Did you ever wonder who discovered that the continents used to fit together as a super continent, known as Pangea? His name was Alfred Wegener. His discovery made him famous in the science world. Alfred Wegener was born on November 1, 1880. When he was young, he was believed to be very smart. Wegener received conventional education, which led him to attend grammar school in Berlin. There’s not that much known about his childhood, just that he was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. At 18, in 1899, he attended the University of Berlin. At the University he took many science classes before specializing in physics, meteorology, and astronomy. In 1902, he started to work for his P.H.D in Astronomy. Trying to work for his p.h.d, he spent†¦show more content†¦His father ran an orphanage, where he had many jobs. Alfred’s father was a classical language teacher and a pastor.His mother was a simple housewife. His older brother,Kurt wegner, was a meteorologist and a g erman polar researcher. Alfred worked with his brother kurt in the same place for some time. They both accomplished a lot. Even with the weather balloon that would of set a world record. Alfred Wegener was the youngest out of 5 kids. Their mom was Anna wegner and their was Richard Wegner and lived in Berlin ,Germany’s capital . In 1910, he was looking at a world when he noticed that the coastlines of South America and Western Africa looked like they use to fit together. After he did further research in 1911,he learned that fossils of the same type were found Brazil and Western Africa,and also after he was trying to connect the continents like a puzzle that South America and Africa had once been connected together to form 1 big continent.Alfred found evidence of a fossil that is throughout 4 continents. One of the fossil that was found four continents wide was called the fernShow MoreRelatedPlate Tectonics: Theoretical Aspects and the Geological History of North America860 Words   |  3 Pagesgeological history of North America, in order to illustrate how the discoveries regarding the movement of plate tectonics have led to new ways of thinking about the formation of continents and about the Earths surface, the development of mountains, oceans and valleys. In relation to this chapter, it is interesting to know how the discussion about plate tectonics emerged. Initially, scientists adhered to the fixed Earth model. Alfred Wegener was the first scientist who attempted to shake this belief andRead MoreThe Current Shape Of Earths Landmasses Was First Proposed By Abraham Ortelius1699 Words   |  7 Pagespossibility of continental drift several decades before Alfred Wegener in his publication The Creation and its Mysteries Unveiled. 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